Dry spent grain are widely used in cattle breeding - it is a natural supplement, an environmentally friendly product. It doesn't include hormones and growth stimulants.
For cattle, dry spent grain are often part of the compound feed. You can use up to 5kg per head per day for feeding.
Percentage ratio feeding by dry spent grain with other feeds:
In the diet of cows dry spent grain is very valuable, since in the rumen the protein included in its composition is split by 50% (while in soybean meal this figure is ~35%).
Numerous studies show, that fattening bulls to which added dry spent grain to their diet, added 14% more weight than those animals that fed on regular food. The use of dry spent grain in accordance with the recommended norms does not affect the health of the animals. The cost of increasing the weight of the livestock by introducing dry spent grain into livestock feed is reduced by ~ 9%, which makes it possible to achieve significant savings in animal feed. Approximate feeding rates:
For fattening cows:
For dairy cows, when added to the diet kg/day, milk yield increases to:
For pregnant and dry cows application rate: 1.2 kg
In the production of starter feed for calves, dry spent grain is added in an amount of 6%.
Due to fermentation and synthesis, dry spent grain consist of 30% crude protein,in addition, it contains indispensable amino acids (over 17) such as methionine and lysine. They must come with fodder, because they are not produced by animals with single stomach (birds, pigs). Dry spent grain is rich by vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B5, E) and carotene.
Advantages of adding dry spent grain to ruminant and cattle fodder: